Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Poppy's Hips - Part II

Poppy's hipscore results are already on the KC website and they have come back with a total of 8.

Of course we are over the moon with this result.

Hopefully will be putting up photo's of the dogs on here at the weekend.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Poppy's Hips

Poppy had her hips x-rayed yesterday so fingers crossed for a good result.

Vet said that they looked really good and should be in the region of 9 or 10.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

No Pups for 2010

Sadly Carmen was scanned and there are no pups so we will not be having any now until 2011.

Fingers crossed for Poppy and her hipscore. She is going to have her hips done a week on Monday.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Fingers Crossed

The Briarlow gang are hoping to have a litter of SWD's by the end of 2010 beginning 2011. Contact me on briarlowswd@googlemail.com for more details.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Blackpool Champ. Show

Briarlow's Belleza - First Post Grad bitch and Res. Best Bitch

Briarlow's Jay Lowe Among Lochfain - Ti owned by Judith and Guy first Open Bitch and Best of breed.

Calida was also pulled out in the final line-up of the Special Beginners stakes and then she put her mental head on and got chucked out LOL

Poppy behaved really well at her first ever show. Let the judges look at her mouth and only banana'd when they went near her bottom. She seemed to enjoy herself though and moved really well even in the immense heat!

Friday, 18 June 2010


Had two of my dogs DNA tested this year.

Briarlow's Belleza - Calida is a carrier.

Briarlow's Nuevo Principio - Carmen and Calida's mum is clear.

Neither dogs will have the type of PRA that the SWD can be DNA tested for.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Monday, 8 February 2010

Poppy's Eye Test

Poppy had a gonioscopy yesterday and passed with flying colours. Has made my year, just her hips now next year to be done LOL!

Monday, 18 January 2010

Where's The Time Gone?

Pups are now 9 weeks old and had their first vaccinations. Will put photo's on later today. Poppy is a real character and staying at the Briarlow Household for now. Oscar has the most stunning head and is getting on wonderfully at his new home.