Saturday, 28 February 2009

Calida aged 10 months

Photograph of Calida taken today at 10 months of age. Time is going so quickly. She is still mental but calming down very slowly.

Pups at 3 Weeks

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Congratulations to Terri (Glenturret SWD's)

Congratulations to Terri whose Briarlow Viva La Diva via Glenturret was best brood bitch for Spanish Water Dogs 2008. Congratulations go also to Sp. Ch. Lastar de Ubrique the father of the pups with Gollie who have done so well over the last 2 years and of course to the owners of the winning dogs.

Well done guys and I look forward to seeing you do as well in 2009.

Brown and White Boy

The brown and white boy has also opened his eyes.

Still waiting for the brown boy who was first born who has decided that he doesn't want to look at the world yet.

Eyes Opening

Well she might have been the last one born but she's the first to open her eyes. The girl opened her eyes yesterday Friday the 13th, maybe a sign of things to come, a real handful, he, he!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

1 Week Old

Pups are now a week old and developing their own characters. Lana is being a brilliant mum as expected!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Welcome to the New Arrivals

Well Lana, my wonderful natural bobtailed Spanish Water Dog had a litter of three pups this morning. One boy who is all brown except for a tiny stripe down his chest who has a full tail. A brown girl with white chest and tiny specs of white on her feet and a beautiful brown and white boy with a short tail.

Brown girl.

Brown boy

Pups together

Mum and dad's hipscores are both total of 10.